Monday, January 28, 2008

lol, fuck nl

i went broke on NL several times, and now (except of tournaments of course), i'm done with it. it's not because i'm too bad generally, it's because of my inability to ignore tilting-situations. i go nuts and fuck my money up, that's how it goes all the time. playing limit holdem, even when taking heavy bad beats (which will happen often at my current level, which is .10/.20), i don't tilt anymore. the swings are less significant and don't bother me as much as in NL (though i didn't face any long term downsing in lhe yet). i'm going to take the long and easy lhe grind for the future. wish me luck!

edit: i'm removing the "br" section on the right of this site.

current br: about $50. (yes, fuck fuck fuck, i'm starting lhe out of my bankroll, but i don't care. )

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